How Wide Are Heaven’s Doors? The Biblical Case for Ultimate Restoration
This short book is designed to briefly introduce people to information from Church history and the teaching of the Bible that have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misrepresented to show that what most people have been told about the nature and duration of hell is not true.
The true teaching of the Bible is that God will one day restore all of his creation to the perfection he initially intended. Hell is real, but it is temporary in its duration and remedial in its nature. At the end of time, all those God created in his image will experience the joy of being in his presence.
A more complete development of the information presented in this book can be found in my book, Heaven’s Doors: Wider Than You Ever Believed! which was awarded Silver Medals in Theology and Christian Thought in the 2018 and 2024 Illumination Book Awards for exemplary Christian literature.