Searching for Truth in Vegas, Hollywood, & Bethlehem

A short, easy-to-read book that addresses many of the questions thoughtful people often ask about the nature of God, the nature of life, and the validity of Biblical faith.

The book follows a logical progression of thought from one question to another and includes interesting stories and historical information to help people think through the issues It provides honest answers to honest questions.

Heaven’s Doors: Wider Than You Ever Believed!

What happens to us and those we love after we die?

For the first 500 years after Christ, most Christians believed that God would ultimately redeem all of his creation. Hell was real, but it had a positive purpose, and it didn’t last forever.

Then beliefs changed.

How Wide Are Heaven’s Doors?

This short book is designed to introduce people to the evidence from Church history and the teaching of the Bible showing that God will one day restore all of His creation to the perfection He intended. Hell is real, but it is temporary in its duration and remedial in its nature.

Engage the Culture!

The blog of George W. Sarris

More from George

Discover more helpful writings by George. His blog covers a range of topics including theology, church history, salvation, hell, abortion, homosexuality and more!